Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lessons Learned

I have just finished learning about the Holocaust and the story of Anne Frank in Mrs. Chapman’s class. That was a very brutal time for the Jews, the Polish, and the Gypsies. I mean if a person were to think about it right now they would consider themselves lucky. That is because if someone is being hated because of their race or nationality they are probably just being picked on, but if that person were to be back in the day of the holocaust were hated because of their race or nationality, they would have probably been sent to a concentration camp or killed. I have learned a very important lesson from this. It is to not to be prejudice against other people because of the way they talk, look, act, or what color they are.
Mrs. Chapman is the person that made us learn about these horrifying times, but she had a reason for teaching it to us. The Holocaust made me sick in my stomach. The reason is because the Nazis would torture any Jews they saw walking around. They would come and shoot them, start beating them to death, or they would them and put them in concentration camps. The concentration camps were terrible. Many people would die of starvation, diseases, heat exhaustion, or torture. The Jews would be treated badly in concentration camps. They would be put in heat boxes, gas chambers, or just get shot. The Jews would be forced to sleep in little bitty huts. The huts were meant to hold ten at the max, but there would be more than twenty stuffed in the huts with hardly any air. That is why a bunch of people died. That is because if one person had a disease then got cramped into the small hut, that disease would be spread quickly.
The Holocaust, I am afraid, is still happening to this day. We just need to watch for it happening and try to prevent it. Hopefully the Holocaust and events related to it will come to an end. The most important lesson to learn from the Holocaust is to not be prejudice to other people.